The Build America, Buy America Act (BABA): Applicability And Implications

As part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed by Congress on November 15, 2021, BABA established a domestic content preference for federal financial assistance obligated for infrastructure projects. The domestic content preference applies to three separate product categories: (i) iron or steel products, (ii) manufactured products, and (iii) construction materials.1
Who Does BABA Apply to?
BABA applies to non-federal entities (e.g., state governments, local governments, Indian tribes, institutes of higher education) and all recipients […]

By | May 10th, 2024 ||

Why Is ESG Important To Real Estate Developers?

You may have heard the term ESG, but what does it mean? ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. ESG is a set of non-financial factors that investors use as part of their analysis to screen potential investments. Socially conscious investors want to make sure that companies are minimizing their negative environmental impact, considerate of people and relationships, and are transparent and accountable to investors.
The application of ESG factors has become […]

By | January 23rd, 2023 ||

What Can Real Estate Professionals Expect As Receiverships Continue To Rise?

In an economy that has spent the last two years saddled with the impact of a global pandemic, rising inflation, and higher interest rates, the commercial real estate market has been no stranger to reconciling with new realities. Ohio and the region have experienced an increase in receivership cases, a common theme virtually throughout the Midwest. More recently, examples of receivership cases in Cleveland may help to color regional trends. The growing popularity of […]

By | January 21st, 2023 ||